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by Muhammad Ahsan Pervaiz
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Unlock CoursePrototyping in Figma
Intro to Figma
40 minutes, 37 seconds
Get started with Figma, a popular design tool. Learn its basics and how it makes UI/UX design easier.
Learn Basics of Figma
2 hours, 17 minutes
Discover the core features of Figma, like creating shapes and text, organizing layers, and styling elements.
Layout Grid, Auto Layout
1 hour, 6 minutes
Learn how to organize your designs neatly using grids and auto layout features in Figma, ensuring consistency across different devices.
UI UX Design Recipe App
2 hours, 54 minutes
Practice your skills by designing a simple recipe app. Create user-friendly interfaces and simulate how users will interact with your app.
Creating Wireframes and Inspiration Study