
Intro to Figma

40 minutes, 37 seconds

Get started with Figma, a popular design tool. Learn its basics and how it makes UI/UX design easier.

Download Install Figma
Download Install Figma

Download Install Figma

4 minutes, 46 seconds
Figma Interface
Figma Interface

Figma Interface

9 minutes, 8 seconds
New Figma Interface 2022
New Figma Interface 2022

New Figma Interface 2022

16 minutes, 40 seconds
Assets Layers Figma Interface
Assets Layers Figma Interface

Assets Layers Figma Interface

6 minutes, 49 seconds
How to Use Assets Folder
How to Use Assets Folder

How to Use Assets Folder

3 minutes, 12 seconds

Layout Grid, Auto Layout

1 hour, 6 minutes

Learn how to organize your designs neatly using grids and auto layout features in Figma, ensuring consistency across different devices.

Grids Guides
Grids Guides

Grids Guides

9 minutes, 41 seconds
Auto Layout in Figma
Auto Layout in Figma

Auto Layout in Figma

5 minutes, 23 seconds
Group Vs Frames
Group Vs Frames

Group Vs Frames

11 minutes, 15 seconds
Exporting Assets
Exporting Assets

Exporting Assets

9 minutes, 16 seconds
Variants in Figma Simple
Variants in Figma Simple

Variants in Figma Simple

8 minutes, 10 seconds
Figma Variants Advanced
Figma Variants Advanced

Figma Variants Advanced

5 minutes, 55 seconds
UPDATE Figma Auto Layout for Courses
UPDATE Figma Auto Layout for Courses

UPDATE Figma Auto Layout for Courses

16 minutes, 40 seconds

Prototyping in Figma

54 minutes, 55 seconds

Explore how to make interactive prototypes in Figma, allowing you to demonstrate how your designs will function in real life.

Prototyping Basics Linking Overlay
Prototyping Basics Linking Overlay

Prototyping Basics Linking Overlay

11 minutes, 36 seconds
Swapping Overlay Time Delays
Swapping Overlay Time Delays

Swapping Overlay Time Delays

9 minutes, 33 seconds
onDrag Horizontal Vertical Scroll
onDrag Horizontal Vertical Scroll

onDrag Horizontal Vertical Scroll

12 minutes, 21 seconds
whileHovering Figma
whileHovering Figma

whileHovering Figma

7 minutes, 11 seconds
Figma Mirror App
Figma Mirror App

Figma Mirror App

5 minutes, 26 seconds
Scroll to Animation
Scroll to Animation

Scroll to Animation

8 minutes, 46 seconds

UI UX Design Recipe App

2 hours, 54 minutes

Practice your skills by designing a simple recipe app. Create user-friendly interfaces and simulate how users will interact with your app.

Creating Wireframes and Inspiration Study
Creating Wireframes and Inspiration Study

Creating Wireframes and Inspiration Study

8 minutes, 17 seconds
Grid Guides Plan Before Designing
Grid Guides Plan Before Designing

Grid Guides Plan Before Designing

7 minutes, 27 seconds
Design Login Screen
Design Login Screen

Design Login Screen

16 minutes, 40 seconds
Home Screen Part 1
Home Screen Part 1

Home Screen Part 1

16 minutes, 40 seconds
Home Screen Part 2
Home Screen Part 2

Home Screen Part 2

9 minutes, 54 seconds
Home Screen Part 3
Home Screen Part 3

Home Screen Part 3

16 minutes, 40 seconds
Home Screen Salads Part 4
Home Screen Salads Part 4

Home Screen Salads Part 4

4 minutes, 21 seconds
Home Part 5 Healthy
Home Part 5 Healthy

Home Part 5 Healthy

2 minutes, 19 seconds
Prototyping Home Screen
Prototyping Home Screen

Prototyping Home Screen

11 minutes, 42 seconds
Search 1st
Search 1st

Search 1st

8 minutes, 33 seconds
Search 2nd With Prototype
Search 2nd With Prototype

Search 2nd With Prototype

15 minutes, 55 seconds
Search Results
Search Results

Search Results

14 minutes, 25 seconds
Single Recipe 1st
Single Recipe 1st

Single Recipe 1st

16 minutes, 40 seconds
Single Recipe 2nd Prototype
Single Recipe 2nd Prototype

Single Recipe 2nd Prototype

15 minutes, 10 seconds
Review Overlay
Review Overlay

Review Overlay

10 minutes, 6 seconds